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The Prophetic Voice of God - Lana Vawser
The Prophetic Voice of God - BOOK
The Prophetic Voice of God - PDF
Session 1 - The Birthplace of the Prophetic Voice - VIDEO MP4 (25:35)
Session 2 - Positioned to Hear - VIDEO MP4 (23:09)
Session 3 - The Language of the Spirit - VIDEO MP4 (28:45)
Session 4 - Discerning the Voice: What to Share, What to Hold On To - VIDEO MP4 (30:20)
Session 5 - Distinguishing the Prophetic Voice of God from the Destructive Voice of the Enemy - VIDEO MP4 (27:28)
Session 6 - What We Believe About God Determines How We Hear His Voice - VIDEO MP4 (26:00)
Session 7 - The Divine Interruption of the Voice of God - VIDEO MP4 (29:58)
Session 8 - Engage with Heaven: How to Respond to God's Prophetic Voice - VIDEO MP4 (30:14)
Session 9 - Releasing the Voice - VIDEO MP4 (29:39)
Session 10 - Jewels of Encouragement, Impartation and Revelation - VIDEO MP4 (22:37)
Additional Suggested Materials
XPmedia Academy Satisfaction Survey (Optional)
Session 9 - Releasing the Voice - VIDEO MP4
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