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Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions
BOOK - Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions - PDF
Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions - PDF
VIDEO LESSONS - Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions
Session 1 - My Rocky Relationship with Emotions Over the Years - VIDEO - MP4 (18:02)
Session 2 - Where Do Emotions Come From? Old Self versus new Self- VIDEO - MP4 (23:26)
Session 3 - Stepping From Old Self to New Self - VIDEO - MP4 (23:43)
Session 4 - Cultivating Kingdom Emotions and Heightened Kingdom Emotions - VIDEO - MP4 (23:43)
Session 5 - Faith: Agreeing with God's Intention to Perform a Miracle - VIDEO - MP4 (21:17)
Session 6 - Energized by Power from the Holy Spirit - VIDEO - MP4 (24:23)
Session 7 - Love: God's On/Off Switch for Unleashing Healing Power - VIDEO - MP4 (25:59)
Session 8 - Kingdom Emotions Turn on Healing Genes - VIDEO - MP4 (23:42)
Session 9 - Cleansing Cellular Memories - VIDEO - MP4 (23:25)
Session 10 - Inner Harmony: Casting Out Demons - VIDEO - MP4 (22:54)
Session 11 - Heart Rate Variability - VIDEO - MP4 (22:37)
Session 12 - The Treasure Chest: A Spirit-Led Prayer Organizer - VIDEO - MP4 (23:34)
Additional Suggested Material
XPmedia Academy Satisfaction Survey (Optional)
Session 8 - Kingdom Emotions Turn on Healing Genes - VIDEO - MP4
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