77 Texts From Heaven
Teen Devotional Journal
Nichole Marbach's latest contribution to the Body of Christ, "77 Texts From Heaven," is an excellent series of devotional exhortations that grant a lingering impression to the reader of a God who is deeply in love with the human race and longs for intimate communication with us. Although this devotional can be viewed as targeting teens and youth, all who read it will be inspired and encouraged by its content. Designed as a daily devotional, with spaces for personal journaling, it will deeply inspire many teens and adults to pursue the heart of God. This book will encourage anyone who has a desire to grow. Thank you, Nichole, for caring enough to serve us with another delicious spiritual meal from the heart of God.
This book is aPDF download.
"This book will deeply inspire many teens and adults to pursue the heart of God. This book will encourage anyone who has a desire to grow."
- Theresa Phillips
"Nichole has done it again! She has now created a masterpiece for teens."
- Dr. Jeremy Lopez
"This is the best devotional you'll find for your young person! Thank you, Nichole, for the deposit you are making in the lives of our kids._„?
- Dr. Brian Simmons