God's Dream For Your Life
Activate God’s big extravagant dreams into your life
God’s Dream for Your Life will teach you how to live your dream with passion, direction, health, in abundance, and in the supernatural — all in partnership with God. And you will learn how to activate God’s big extravagant Dreams into your life.
A dream is an aspiration, an intention, and a desire.
A dream is His best inviting you to partner with Him in your purpose. Join this course to activate those dreams and have them become your reality!
Course Includes a Manual and 4 one-hour video lessons, along with accompanying audio files.
Your Instructor
As a kid, Cindy Stewart dreamt of becoming a superhero! She became someone who helped others find their champion within. After years of climbing the corporate ladder, serving on boards and owning her business, she took a break to stay home with her children. She found out two things: she was afraid of failing and afraid to dream big! Ultimately, her journey to discover her passion included physical well-being, spiritual growth and healing of the soul (mind, will and emotion). Cindy is committed to helping others discover their own passions and live their dreams. She also hosts a weekly podcast, Unleashing the Champion, and blogs on www.cindy-stewart.com