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Releasing Heaven
Releasing Heaven by Candice Smithyman
Session 1 - Eternity in Action - VIDEO MP4 (17:06)
Session 2 - You Can Release Heaven - VIDEO MP4 (11:22)
Session 3 - Gateway to Heaven (8:20)
Session 4 - Open Heaven Manifestations - VIDEO MP4 (7:14)
Session 5 - Heavenly Pillar - VIDEO MP4 (6:38)
Session 6 - Caught Up to Heaven - VIDEO MP4 (7:52)
Session 7 - Heavenly Riches - VIDEO MP4 (7:17)
Session 8 - Accessing Heavenly Treasuries - VIDEO MP4 (13:30)
Session 9 - Releasing Captives Through Heavenly Strategies - VIDEO MP4 (10:52)
Session 10 - You Are Enough - VIDEO MP4 (11:01)
Session 11 - Angel Turnaround - VIDEO MP4 (10:26)
Session 12 - Angel Intervention - VIDEO MP4 (10:03)
Session 13 - The Faith of God for Miracles - VIDEO MP4 (12:03)
Session 14 - Jesus Is Willing to Heal - VIDEO MP4 (11:04)
Session 15 - The Heavenly Courtroom - VIDEO MP4 (16:01)
BONUS: Interview with Candice Smithyman - VIDEO MP4 (16:08)
Additional Suggested Materials
XPmedia Academy Satisfaction Survey (Optional)
Session 1 - Eternity in Action - VIDEO MP4
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